Atthippattu Azhagiyasingar (34th Jeeyar), Kalathur
Azhagiyasingar (35th Jeevar) and the 36th Jeeyar were
also privileged to utilise the services of Pillaipakkam
Gopalacharya, a great Visishtadvaitin who was known
better by his title Sapta-tantra Vachaspathi, meaning
master of the seven tantras. Let us see how this
illustrious person became the 37th Jeevar called
affectionately as Pillaipakkam Azhagiyasingar. While
young, he mastered Vyakarana and Nyaya Sastras at the
feet of the famous Thirupputkuzhi Swami
(Mahamahopadyaya Krishna Thathacharya) and
received his panchasamskara from 33rd Jeeyar.
Completing Adhyathma Sastra first under 33rd, he
studied next under the 34th Jeeyar. Recognising his
merit, the Atthippattu Azhagiyasingar appointed him as
the Srikaryam of the Mutt which post Pillaipakkam
Gopalacharya continued under the 35th Jeeyar also.
Even as he was performing his duties both at the office
and at home, he developed Vairagya and while on a
pilgrimage, he was fortunate to get the benign grace of
the Tenkanikottai Swami who was a centre of attraction
at the time in view of his divinity and scholarity. This
Tenkanikottai Swami gave Sanyasasrama to
Gopalacharya and gave him the name Veeraraghava
Satakopan. The Swami continued to visit temples and
his contribution included renovation of some temples
and offering of jewels. By a divine vision from
Veeraraghava Perumal, he rectified defects on the idol
of the Lord of Thiruvallur. He regularly gave
discourses on Sree Bhashya at Kancheepuram,
proceeded further south to master Divya Prabandham
and Bhagavad Vishayam. When the 36th Jeevar
attained Mukthi without nominating his successor, the
sishyas of Ahobila Mutt called on Pillaipakkam Swami
and requested him to ascend the Peetam. With
reluctance, he acceded to their request; but once he
became the Azhagiasingar, Srivan Satakopa Sri
Veeraraghava Satakopa Yatheendra Mahadesikan
considered it his special duty to enhance the glory of
the Mutt and this he did with great devotion. His
bhakthi for Vedantha Desika was unparalleled and he
visited the abhimanasthala of the Acharya -
Thiruvaheendrapuram (near Cuddalore) where he
restored the uthsavas after settling the dispute among
the Srivaishnavas there. He himself remained there to
supervise the Brahmothsavam and he documented his
experiences in a beautiful record named "Vedantha
Desikothsava Vaibhavani" for the sake of the posterity.
It was unfortunate that this Jeeyar also did not
nominate anybody and hence there was an interregnum
for about 5 1/2 years between 1899-1905.
38th Jeeyar
One among the group who had earlier persuaded
Pillaipakkam Swami to accept the Peetam was
Gadadharapuram Chakravarthi Venkatacharya, a very
learned person who hailed from the Gadadharapuram
family that had given five Azhagiyasingars earlier.
This Swami had done his best for the upliftment of the
Mutt though leading a family life. He was respected by
all. However since the 37th Jeeyar had left without
nominating anyone and as five and a half years had
elapsed, the sishyas made an appeal to the Government
to restore the Mutt to its pivotal position. The then
British Governor ordered preparation of electoral rolls
of the Mutt's disciple,- and when the votes were cast,
the majority favoured the Gadadharapuram Swami who
respecting the sentiments, became the 38th Jeeyar of
Ahobila Mutt. "The History of the Ahobila Mutt"
(Venkatesa Ayyar) records thus: "Gadadharapuram
family came to the assistance of the Mutt in good time.
This 38th Jeeyar's (Srivan Satakopa Sri Srinivasa
Satakopa Yatheendra Mahadesikan) knowledge of men
and matters was so great that by wise choice of
management, the property of the Mutt was cleverly
administered and made to yield a good income." The
Mutt rose once again to become the centre of influence
and revered seat of learning. For his reign of just four
years, this Jeeyar can be said to have achieved
remarkable results. A northern devotee by name
Balamukundachariyar became his disciple and with his
influence, Utthara Ahobila Mutt was established at
Pushkaram. He also renovated a number of Mutt
buildings and Brindhavanams and was laid to rest at
Narasimhapuram adjacent to the Brindhavan of 37th
Jeeyar. Even today, the 38th Jeeyar's (poorvasrama)
grandsons lead a retired life after having served very
high posts and his great grandsons are serving in high
capacities. The 40th Jeeyar installed an image of the
38th Jeeyar out of his reverence for him in his
Brindhavan at Narasimhapuram.
The 39th Azhagiyasingar Srivan Satakopa Sri
Parankusa Yatheendra Mahadesikan carried on his
predecessor's work dutifully. He made a silver
Mandapam for Malola and built outer walls of the
Veeraraghavaswami Temple at Thiruvallur. His
Brindhavan exists at his birthplace Rajamannar Koil
Ahobila Mutt's glory rose to greater heights during the
stewardship of the 40th Azhagiyasingar, Sri
Lakshminarasimha Divya Padukasevaka, Srivan
Satakopa Sri Ranganatha Satakopa Yatheendra
Mahadesikan. Known as Karaikurichi Vankeepuram
Vidwan Venkata Krishnamacharya in his poorvasrama,
he ascended the Peetam on 17th April 1913 and came
to be sought by scholars and laity alike because of his
genial temperament as also by his great psychic power.
Since some of the earlier Azhagiyasingars could not
visit Ahobilam, he more than made up for them and
Venkatesa Ayyar in his History of Ahobila Mutt says,
'Here is a clear case of HE CAME - HE SAW - HE
CONQUERED. No other Azhagiyasingar had
undertaken so extensive a travel as this Jeeyar - all for
the sake of devotees welfare. His visits extended upto
Hyderabad. He stayed at Ahobilam for quite sometime
restoring the worship and renovating the temple
structures. His psychic powers and Mantra Siddhi were
utilised by the then Gadwal Raja to regain his royal,
financial and spiritual powers.
40th Jeeyar
The 40th Jeeyar-Sri Ranganatha Satakopa Yatheendra
Mahadesika (1913-1923) visited Gadwal after a long
interval. Apart from being an erudite scholar, he was
credited with great psychic and mystic powers like the
1st, 6th and 25th Jeeyars. When he reached Gadwal,
the 40th Jeeyar found to his dismay that the place had
become one of total inactivity. It seems that when the
Kesava temple was built, a human (Brahmin) sacrifice
was made and that as a consequence, Soma Bhoopal
had incurred a curse whereby he was left without a
progeny. From that time onwards his successors in line
were all by adoption only. Not even a female child
was born, leave alone a son. When Sriram Bhoopal
ascended the throne, the temple had become a haunted
place as also the Gadwal palace and the Raja had
moved to Hyderabad where he had a palace and other
properties. In a bid to set right things, the Jeeyar sent
word to the Raja at Hyderabad who promptly came
back to Gadwal with his family. This Jeevar's son was
a great scholar with Mantra Siddhi and with his help
the place was duly sanctified. The Jeeyar on visiting
the Kesava temple found the Moola Vigraha (idol)
deformed and wanted it to be removed. The Raja and
other learned Brahmins were reluctant to do so for fear
of incurring the wrath of the God once again.
Undaunted, the Jeeyar, it is said, himself went about
the job. He tied a rope round the idol and the other end
of the rope was tied round a bullock which dragged the
idol out of its place. The Vigraha was then buried in
the sands of the river Krishna and that place is known
as Erra Banda since then. A new idol of Kesava with
Sreedevi and Bhoodevi on His either side was obtained
from Srimushnam, a Swayamvyaktha Kshetram of
Tamil Nadu and duly installed at the temple situated in
the fort of the Gadwal palace. A number of Ahobila
Mutt disciples once again settled down in that town and
the era of bubbling and bustling activities began again.
The Jeeyar stayed at Gadwal for three years. The
grateful Raja of Gadwal honoured the Jeeyar with
jewels to the Lord Lakhsminarasimha and gave other
Source: Sri Nrusimha Priya, 66 Rangachari Road, Mylapore, Madras 600 018.