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Quiz Corner
  Current Level: Basic Switch To: Kids | Basic | Intermediary | Advanced  
  1. [Sanatana Dharmam] What would one normally look for in the Gandaki River ?

 Gandaki Fish

 Gandaki Flower


 Gandaki Herb

  2. [Divya Desam] How many Divya Desams are located outside India ?





  3. [Vedam] Which is the shortest of 4 Vedams ?





  4. [Vishishtaadvaitam] Which Avataram of Sriman Narayanan does Vishnu Sahasranamam mentions first ?





  5. [Vishishtaadvaitam] Which is not one of the attributes of an Aatman ?


 Very Minute

 Has intellect

 Grows constantly (physically)

  6. [Acharyas] Who is the Second Acharya in our sampradayam ?


 Sriman Narayanan


 Swami Nammazhwar

  7. [Puranam] How many Puranams do we have ?





  8. [Sanatana Dharmam] What basic karma qualifies a Brahmana to perform other vaideeka karmas ?

 Ayush homam



 Sudarshana homam

  9. [Bhagavadh Gita] During Bhagavadh Gita Upadesam to Arjuna, Shri Krishna refers himself to which one of those among the 'Rivers'  ?





  10. [Divya Prabandam] How many Pasurams does Thiru Pallandu contain ?







Quiz questions contributed by Sri Ramji Govindarajan, UK.